ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Boris Akunin | The Death of Achilles | | |
2. | Gabriel Yared | Achilles' Death | Troy (Rejected) | |
3. | Homer, trans. Butler | 18 - The Shield of Achilles | The Iliad | |
4. | Homer, trans. Butler | 19 - Achilles Goes Out to Fight | The Iliad | |
5. | Homer, trans. Butler | 19 - Achilles Goes Out to Fight | The Iliad | |
6. | Plumbum Dreams - Led Zeppelin Tribute Band | Achilles Last Stand | | |
7. | Gabriel Yared | Achilles & Briseis | Troy | |
8. | Bob Dylan | Temporary Like Achilles | Blonde On Blonde | |
9. | Alfred J. Church | 13 - The Embassy to Achilles | The Iliad for Boys and Girls | |
10. | adriannadane | Achilles' Charm | Adrianna Dane, Author of Sensual and Erotic Romance | |
11. | Lewis Carrol | What the Tortise Said to Achilles | LibriVox Nonfiction Collection Vol. 009 | |
12. | Brand X Music | BXM002 16 Achilles | Drama Compilation Disc 2 | |
13. | Homer, trans. Butler | 09 - The Embassy to Achilles | The Iliad | |
14. | | Achilles to the Latona Basin | Bounceberry Versailles Tour | |
15. | Erich Gliebe | The Iliad and the Legacy of Achilles | American Dissident Voices | |
16. | Erich Gliebe | The Iliad and the Legacy of Achilles | American Dissident Voices | |
17. | Homer, trans. Butler | 01 - The Quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon | The Iliad | |
18. | Homer, trans. Butler | 16 - Patroclus fights in the armor of Achilles | The Iliad | |
19. | Monica Mork and Erik Mork | Silverlight Predictions and Its Achilles’ Heel | Sparkling Client - The Silverlight Podcast | |
20. | Homer, trans. Butler | 21 - Achilles Drives the Trojans Back | The Iliad | |
21. | IOANNIDIS Nikolaos | Homer Iliad: Sing oh Goddess the perilous wrath of Achilles | GRHE10200306 | |
22. | Sausage Boy | Old Habits Die Hard (DFF Sound System : Death / Extended Death) | Remix Fight! #44 | |
23. | Igor Contrabas Album | Смерть Сценариста и Режиссера, и Смерть Кино - Death of the Script Writer and the Director, and Death of Cinema, ST | DJCJ Cinema | |
24. | Forseti Lebt | Death In June/Death Of The West | Forseti Lebt | |
25. | R. Albert Mohler, Jr. | Life after Death � or Just Love after Death? | Audio Blog | |
26. | Trevor Jones | The Death Of The Emperor/Death Of The Mystic Master/Mystic Memorial Ceremony/Jen's Journey Through The New World | The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] | |
27. | A.W. Tozer | What is Death - Death says NO and Christ says YES | John | |
28. | Brad, Glenn, and Christina | PodCulture 73: Happy Happy Death Death - Part A | | |
29. | Brad Sucks | Certain Death Mix 02 | | |
30. | Pierre Henry | 03.After Death Two | Le Voyage Tibetan Book Of The Dead | |